Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Christmas Crafts

Well, I'm starting to think about christmas crafts and what I can make. I've already started knitting Knitty's Anouk for either Amy or Peyton. I will be making dad some socks since he is impossible to buy for and Talya the illusion scarf and mitts with the skulls on them. And then sew some stuff, PJ bottoms for Ian, magic wallet for Ian, cushions for B, and magic bags for the girls. The big project is a quilt for my mother with pictures of the grandkids on it.

I am starting to see alot of myself in Talya. She loves to have fun and be out of the house, anywhere but home. She has a unique sense of style and doesn't care what others think. Even though she sleeps over at her friends frequently she will be going to camp next week and I know I will miss her since its more than just overnight. It will be my first week off on vacation, but she wants to go. I always wanted to go to summer camp and some of my friends did, but I never had the chance to. I really hope she enjoys it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Its August!

And I'm hoping for a much better month. I have 2 weeks of vacation so that should definately help!

I sent my LM secret sister her stuff this morning, finally, for some reason I couldn't get moving on it. I have everything ready to send to Sirus, just need the zip code. I've also signed up for another swap and will be knitting a little girls sweater, Briar Rose from Knitty, I'm not sure what I will be getting.

I'm not doing great concentrating at work, I feel like I need a break badly!

The girls are at horse riding camp this week so they drive over and back with me, its strange having someone else in the car. Its usually my 20 minutes of quiet time before I get to work or home. Yesterday we weren't even out of the parking lot of the stables and they were arguing. I threatened that it was a long walk home. I loved in Desperate Housewives when Lynette left the boys on the side of the road for arguing, its so tempting sometimes. LOL!